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Hopepark Silky Terriers
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![]() ![]() ![]() Introducing The Silky terrier
Small But Feisty
Just over four decades ago, the late Mrs.Marion Wait first saw Silky Terriers competing in a U.S. show and decided she just had to have one, or two, and she started to introduce the breed to Canada. What attracted her to the breed was its compact size of 9 to 10 inches tall at the shoulder, and its wonderful outgoing attitude to life. Weighing in at about 10 pounds, the
Silky is small enough to fit into apartments and to travel with easily on holidays. But there is nothing small about this breed's personality! Silkys are very 'full of themselves' and consider themselves to be the most important beings on the face of the planet - and few Silky owners would argue that point with them.
![]() For the most part, Silkys are easily trained - although they are not slow to sense a weakness if the owner is new to dogs, and are more than likely to try to exploit the situation if they think they can get away with it.
One very talented lady who has proven that Silkys can be taught just about anything is Heather Somers of British Columbia.
![]() Heather took her first Silky, "Gayna", through just about everything she could find to do. "Gayna" was the first Silky to earn a degree in Tracking (yes, Tracking!) and I believe is still the only one to have earned her TDX. She also holds degrees in Flyball, Agility, also earned her Certificate of Gameness (going down a hole after a rat) although Heather was later told she couldn't add the degree to Gayna's name as Silkys weren't eligible to compete!, and her Canine Good Citizen degree. To top it all off she has her Utility degree in Canada, her CDX in the U.S. and is a Canadian Champion to boot! Heather has even worked "Gayna" and some of her descendants, with herding sheep. They did very well too, thank you very much, and Heather has the photo's to prove it! "Gayna's" kids and grand-kids have benefited from Heather's training techniques and have Obedience degrees, Canine Good Citizen certificates, Tracking degrees and conformation Championships shared among them. This isn't to suggest that everyone's Silky can achieve all of the above - without the patience and the training and the dedication, the average Silky isn't going to accomplish this. It does show however that the breed is intelligent, trainable and able to keep up with very active people.
![]() If you are the macho type and think a Silky Terrier is much too Sissy a dog for you to own - get over it! Numerous couples have purchased a Silky "for the wife", because the "he-man" husband doesn't want anything to do with this "toy" dog. Guess who ends up taking the dog everywhere he goes, car rides, fishing trips, even just out to the garage while he works on the car? Uh-huh, the husband. Guess who gets down on the floor to play with the dog face to face? Right Again. Guess who brags about his dog at work and to his friends, how clever and smart and feisty he is? That's right - the "he-man" husband. Many now report that after having shared their lives with a Silky, they wouldn't want to own anything else.
Silkys also make very elegant showdogs. With their tan
![]() I hope I've given you an idea about how wonderful Silky Terriers are
(okay, so I'm a wee bit prejudiced!).
(This article first appeared in Top Dogs magazine. Author: Debby Nelson)
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